Personal Soul Portrait
Therapy Process
Personal Reading
Your own personal portrait supports you where you are right now.
You will submit a request completing an easy form and pay for the reading.
I will complete a Soul Portrait based on your current life issue.
(It is always about how it relates to your early primal journey and your purpose for being here.)
You will receive a JPEG of your personal Soul Portrait within 72 hours via your email.
+ Therapeutic SupporT
Same as above plus you will receive:
3 copies of the portrait on Canson Mixed Media paper will be mailed within a week. You can use marker, watercolor, and acrylic as well as pencil or crayons.
One hour of time to consult by phone, in either one full or two half hour sessions.
Unlimited email/google messaging support for 3 weeks.
Starts when you decide within 3 months of ordering portrait.
If you chose Option 2, please connect with me here via the Tawk chat in the lower right corner. This is where we will engage in private “unlimited support for 3 weeks” after you receive your Soul Portrait.
You choose when to begin the 3 week support period, within 3 months.
I’d never done a Soul Portrait like this Susan’s before. I had intuited that it was not finished.
Susan put it away and months later, when facing the same issue with a different circumstance, she got out the portrait and colored it.
At that time she was ready to complete it.
We did three Soul Portraits dealing with seven fetal losses. In the third one I noticed later that there are four little characters, sideways on the right. It was then that she said she had lost a set of quads. I did not know this. The portraits were done intuitively. The story and integrating come after the portraits.