Humanity Under Reconstruction

America is under the mind control of the medical-political establishment and it begins with the disruption of the mother-baby relationship at birth.
— Janel Mirendah

Clinton Vs Trump - 2016 debate

The Election


He Said - She Said


Ford Vs Kavanaugh


I did these while listening to the hearing of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh testifying.

He Said She Said is in Volume 5: Evolving of the series “Calm in the Chaos: A Therapeutic Coloring Book for Living with PTSD”.

Prints on mixed media paper are ready to hang or to be colored - a tool for working through the conflict between these two that reflects and impacts all of us.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

Brett Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh



When photographer, Mariah Miranda, did a photo shoot of Diane Feinstein for the San Francisco Chronicle, I did a Soul Portrait for Mariah.


James Comey Hearing, June 2017

James Comey Hearing, June 2017