Humanity Under Reconstruction
“America is under the mind control of the medical-political establishment and it begins with the disruption of the mother-baby relationship at birth.”
Clinton Vs Trump - 2016 debate
The Election
He Said - She Said
Ford Vs Kavanaugh
I did these while listening to the hearing of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh testifying.
He Said She Said is in Volume 5: Evolving of the series “Calm in the Chaos: A Therapeutic Coloring Book for Living with PTSD”.
Prints on mixed media paper are ready to hang or to be colored - a tool for working through the conflict between these two that reflects and impacts all of us.
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
Brett Kavanaugh
When photographer, Mariah Miranda, did a photo shoot of Diane Feinstein for the San Francisco Chronicle, I did a Soul Portrait for Mariah.
James Comey Hearing, June 2017